Tagged: friends

Swing to the envy of your friends

New heaven; New friendship… through golf. On 8th September 2017, I kissed goodbye to Singapore and landed in Scotland, the motherland of golf! Within the compound of the University of Stirling, there is a...

5 easy tips for sport beginners

Most of the health and sports articles, magazines, shows etc. are focused on those people that are already fit and practice sport as their daily life routine.  But what about those ones who don´t...

7 reasons why you should not play golf

1. The scenery at the golf course is so-so. 2. Golf is a boring old man sport.      3. Golf has no health benefit. See also: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-37567254  4. There is nothing interesting on the...