‘Easier’ open data about waste in Scotland


Several organisations are doing a very good job of curating & publishing open data about waste in Scotland but, the published data is not always “easy to use” for non-experts. We have see several references to this at open data conference events and on social media platforms:

Whilst statisticians/coders may think that it is reasonably simple to knead together these somewhat diverse datasets into a coherent knowledge, the interested layman doesn’t find it so easy.

One of the objectives of the Data Commons Scotland project is to address the “ease of use” issue over open data. The contents of this repository are the result of us re-working some of the existing source open data so that it is easier to use, understand, consume, parse, and all in one place. It may not be as detailed or have all the nuances as the source data – but aims to be better for the purposes of making the information accessible to non-experts.

We have processed the source data just enough to:

  • provide value-based cross-referencing between datasets
  • add a few fields whose values are generally useful but not easily derivable by a simple calculation (such as latitude & longitude)
  • make it available as simple CSV and JSON files in a Git repository.

We have not augmented the data with derived values that can be simply calculated, such as per-population amounts, averages, trends, totals, etc.

The 10 easier datasets

dataset (generated February 2021) source data (sourced January 2021)
name description file number of records creator supplier licence
household-waste The categorised quantities of the (‘managed’) waste generated by households. CSV JSON 19008 SEPA statistics.gov.scot URL OGL v3.0
household-co2e The carbon impact of the waste generated by households. CSV JSON 288 SEPA SEPA URL OGL v2.0
business-waste-by-region The categorised quantities of the waste generated by industry & commerce. CSV JSON 8976 SEPA SEPA URL OGL v2.0
business-waste-by-sector The categorised quantities of the waste generated by industry & commerce. CSV JSON 2640 SEPA SEPA URL OGL v2.0
waste-site The locations, services & capacities of waste sites. CSV JSON 1254 SEPA SEPA URL OGL v2.0
waste-site-io The categorised quantities of waste going in and out of waste sites. CSV 2667914 SEPA SEPA URL OGL v2.0
material-coding A mapping between the EWC codes and SEPA’s materials classification (as used in these datasets). CSV JSON 557 SEPA SEPA URL OGL v2.0
ewc-coding EWC (European Waste Classification) codes and descriptions. CSV JSON 973 European Commission of the EU Publications Office of the EU URL CC BY 4.0
households Occupied residential dwelling counts. Useful for calculating per-household amounts. CSV JSON 288 NRS statistics.gov.scot URL OGL v3.0
population People counts. Useful for calculating per-citizen amounts. CSV JSON 288 NRS statistics.gov.scot URL OGL v3.0

(The fuller, CSV version of the table above.)

The dimensions of the easier datasets

One of the things that makes these datasets easier to use, is that they use consistent dimensions values/controlled code-lists. This makes it easier to join/link datasets.

So we have tried to rectify the inconsistencies that occur in the source data (in particular, the inconsistent labelling of waste materials and regions). However, this is still “work-in-progress” and we yet to tease out & make consistent further useful dimensions.

dimension description dataset example value of dimension count of values of dimension min value of dimension max value of dimension
region The name of a council area. household-waste Falkirk 32
household-co2e Aberdeen City 32
business-waste-by-region Falkirk 34
waste-site North Lanarkshire 32
households West Dunbartonshire 32
population West Dunbartonshire 32
business-sector The label representing the business/economic sector. business-waste-by-sector Manufacture of food and beverage products 10
year The integer representation of a year. household-waste 2011 9 2011 2019
household-co2e 2013 9 2011 2019
business-waste-by-region 2011 8 2011 2018
business-waste-by-sector 2011 8 2011 2018
waste-site 2019 1 2019 2019
waste-site-io 2013 14 2007 2020
households 2011 9 2011 2019
population 2013 9 2011 2019
quarter The integer representation of the year’s quarter. waste-site-io 4 4
site-name The name of the waste site. waste-site Bellshill H/care Waste Treatment & Transfer 1246
permit The waste site operator’s official permit or licence. waste-site PPC/A/1180708 1254
waste-site-io PPC/A/1000060 1401
status The label indicating the open/closed status of the waste site in the record’s timeframe. waste-site Not applicable 4
latitude The signed decimal representing a latitude. waste-site 55.824871489601804 1227
longitude The signed decimal representing a longitude. waste-site -4.035165962797409 1227
io-direction The label indicating the direction of travel of the waste from the PoV of a waste site. waste-site-io in 2
material The name of a waste material in SEPA’s classification. household-waste Animal and mixed food waste 22
business-waste-by-region Spent solvents 33
business-waste-by-sector Spent solvents 33
material-coding Acid, alkaline or saline wastes 34
management The label indicating how the waste was managed/processed (i.e. what its end-state was). household-waste Other Diversion 3
ewc-code The code from the European Waste Classification hierarchy. waste-site-io 00 00 00 787
material-coding 11 01 06* 557
ewc-coding 01 973
ewc-description The description from the European Waste Classification hierarchy. ewc-coding WASTES RESULTING FROM EXPLORATION, MINING, QUARRYING, AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL TREATMENT OF MINERALS 774
operator The name of the waste site operator. waste-site TRADEBE UK 753
activities The waste processing activities supported by the waste site. waste-site Other treatment 50
accepts The kinds of clients/wastes accepted by the waste site. waste-site Other special 42
population The population count as an integer. population 89800 21420 633120
households The households count as an integer. households 42962 9424 307161
tonnes The waste related quantity as a decimal. household-waste 0 0 183691
household-co2e 251386.54 24768.53 762399.92
business-waste-by-region 753 0 486432
business-waste-by-sector 54 0 1039179
waste-site-io 0 -8.56 2325652.83
tonnes-input The quantity of incoming waste as a decimal. waste-site 154.55 0 1476044
tonnes-treated-recovered The quantity of waste treated or recovered as a decimal. waste-site 133.04 0 1476044
tonnes-output The quantity of outgoing waste as a decimal. waste-site 152.8 0 235354.51

(The CSV version of the table above.)

Waste sites and the quantities of incoming materials

The dataset

SEPA publish a “Site returns” dataset (accessible via their Waste sites and capacity tool) that says…​

  • how many tonnes
  • of each (EWC coded) waste material
  • was moved in or out
  • of each authorised waste site in Scotland.

Here is an extract…​

SEPA Site returns sample

This is impressive, ongoing data collection and curation by SEPA.

But might some of its information be made more understandable to the general public by depicting it on a map?

Towards answering that, we built a prototype webapp. (For speed of development, we considered only the materials incoming to waste sites during the year 2019.)

Data mapping

To aid comprehension, SEPA often sorts waste materials into 33 categories. We do the same in our prototype, mapping each EWC coded waste material into 1 of the 33 categories…​

33 materials, categorised

The “Site returns” dataset identifies waste sites by their Permit/Licence code. We want our prototype to show additional information about each waste site. Specifically, its name, council area, waste processing activities, client types, and location – very important for our prototype’s map-based display!

SEPA holds that additional information about waste sites, in a 2nd dataset: “Waste sites and capacity summary” (also accessible via their Waste sites and capacity tool). Our prototype uses the Permit/Licence codes to cross-reference between the 2 SEPA datasets.

SEPA provides the waste site locations as National Grid eastings and northings. However, it is easier to use latitude & longitude coordinates in our chosen map display technology so, our prototype uses Colantoni’s library to perform the conversion.

The prototype webapp

A ‘live’ instance of the resulting prototype webapp can be accessed here.

Below is an animated image of it…​

our prototype webapp

UI & controls

  • Each pie chart depicts the amounts of materials incoming to a single waste site, or the aggregation of waste sites within a map area.
    • single waste site pie Depicts a single waste site.
    • multiple waste sites pie Depicts an aggregation of 26 waste sites.
  • no pie (I.e. a number without a surrounding pie chart) depicts a waste site with no incoming materials (probably because the site was not operational during 2019).
  • material details pop-up Hovering the cursor over a pie segment will pop-up details about incoming tonnes of the material depicted by the segment.
  • area highlighting Hovering the cursor over a pie that depicts an aggregation will highlight the map area in which the aggregated waste sites are located.
  • waste site pop-up Clicking on a single waste site will pop-up details about that waste site.
  • zoom control The webapp supports the usual zoom and pan controls. The user can also double-click on an aggregation pie to zoom into the area that it covers.
  • attributions Clicking on ‘attributions’ will display a page that credits:

Closing thoughts

But might some of its information be made more understandable to the general public by depicting it on a map?

For any good solution, the answer will be an obvious ‘yes’. But what about for our prototype webapp solution?…​

We think that it could help pique interest in the differences in the amounts & types of waste materials that are being disposed in different areas of the country. For example…​

splash view

Glancing at our prototype’s map (image left; at the default zoom level), the seemingly disproportionate amount of soils & stones coming into north west Scotland waste sites catches our attention.

So we zoom in (right image) to find that almost all of it is accounted for by one landfill site on the the Isle of Lewis.

Bennadrove landfill site

Future work could increase the utility of this prototype webapp by:

  • allowing the user to browse over the time-series aspect of this dataset using a time slider control (like our through time on a map prototype)
  • providing a means to switch the focus of interest from incoming material to: outgoing material, processing activities (landfill, composting, metal recycling, etc.), or facilities offered (household, commercial, special disposals, etc.)
  • supporting filtering over the various dimensions
  • providing the means for a user to open their current data selection in a tool (like our data grid & graph prototype) that allows them to explore the data in more detail.

How I chanced on Longannet in the data

I’ve added a “Household vs business waste” time-series to our map-oriented webapp from last week. The business data was parsed from SEPA’s Business Waste Data Tables.

When I watched the waste amounts change through time on this map, Fife’s amounts really stood out…​

Household vs business waste, thru time

Fife was generating so much more waste from business, than the other council areas. But why?

To look at the data in more detail, I loaded it into the data grid & graph tool that we built a couple of months ago.

First, I filtered the data grid to show me: Fife’s four largest, business wastes vs their averages link.

Fife’s four largest, business wastes vs their averages

Fife’s combustion waste stands out from the average.

Secondly, I filtered the data grid to show me: the business combustion waste quantities by sector link.

Business combustion wastes by sector

Unfortunately this data isn’t broken down by council area, but it clearly shows that most of the combustion wastes are generated by the power industry.

An internet search with this information – i.e. “Fife combustion power” – returns a page full of references to Longannet – the coal fuelled power station.

Longannet power station (courtesy of Scottish Power)

According to Wikipedia, Longannet power station was the 21st most polluting in Europe when it closed, so no wonder that its signature in the data is so obvious! It was closed on 24th March 2016, which correlates with the sharp return towards the average in 2016, of the combustion wastes graph line for Fife.

Of course this isn’t a real discovery – SEPA, Scottish Power and the people who lived around the power station will be very familiar with this data anomaly and its cause. But I think that its mildly interesting that a data lay person like me could discover this from looking at these simple data visualisations.

Waste quantities through time, on a map


Shortly before the end of 2020, I attended the Code The City 21: Put Your City on the Map hack weekend which explored ideas for putting open data onto geographic maps.

It ran several interesting projects. There was one was especially inspiring to me: the Bioregion Dashboard. Its idea is to tell an evidence-backed story-through-the-years, involving interactive data displays against a map. James Littlejohn introduces it in this YouTube video.

This got me thinking about new ways to depict the information that is bound up in the data about waste…​

In particular, thinking about a means to convey at-a-glance, to the lay person, how councils areas compare through time in respect of the amounts of (household solid) waste that they process. Now, the grid & graph prototype that we built a couple of months back, conveys that same information very well (and with a greater fidelity than we will mange in this work) but, to the lay parson like me, it isn’t attention grabbing. I like seeing something with movement and with features that I can relate to, such as animated charts and a geographical map.

The prototype webapp

Leveraging what I learnt at the Code the City 21 hack weekend, I hacked together a prototype webapp that shows how waste quantities change through time, on a geographic map.

The below, animated image of the webapp, it conveys that landfilled-waste is reducing over time whilst total-waste is remaining fairly constant.

Managed solid waste, through time

UI controls

  • The dataset of interest is chosen through the dropdown control, either:
    1. Tonnes of managed solid household waste per person per year.
    2. Tonnes of C02 equivalent from household waste per person per year.
  • Use the slider control to travel through time.
  • Each pie chart depicts the waste-related quantities for a council area.
    • The sizes of its slices and its overall size, are related to the quantities that it depicts.
  • Hover over a council area to see detailed metrics in the detail panel.
  • The usual map zoom and pan controls are supported.

Software and datasets

CO2 equivalent

‘Live’ instance

A ‘live’ instance of this webapp can be accessed here .

Closing thoughts

I haven’t seen these datasets about waste shown in this way before, and I think that it usefully conveys aspects of the datasets in a catchy and easy to understand way. It is low fidelity when compared to a full data grid with graph solution, but the idea is to hold the attention of the average person in the street.

Future work could integrate additional waste-relevant datasets that have geography and time dimensions. Also we should consider alternative metrics (such as ratios), alternative charts (such as bar or polar) and alternative statistics (such as deviation or trend). I went with the ‘most straightforward’ but user-testing might indicate that an alternative is better.

Trialling Wikibase for our data layer


The architectural proposal for our WCS platform, contains a data layer for collecting, linking, caching and making accessible the source datasets…​

bilayered architecture
Our assumption is that, for our near-term aims, linked data provides the most useful foundation.


The idea that we’re trialling here, is to use Wikibase as the core component in our data layer…​

implementation using wikibase

The case for using Wikibase

Wikibase is a proven off-the-shelf solution that makes it easier to work with linked data. It provides:

  • A linked data store.
  • An interface for humans to view and manually edit linked data.
  • An API that can be used by computer programs to (bulk) edit linked data.
  • SPARQL support.

So why not just use Wikidata? (Wikidata is Wikibase’s common, public instance.) …​Ideally we would but:

  • Our domain specifics aren’t supported in Wikidata.
    • E.g. Wikidata doesn’t (yet) have a full vocabulary to describe waste management.
    • We want to experiment and move fast. Wikidata is sensibly cautious about change, therefore too slow for us.
  • We can still make use of Wikidata for some aspects of our work by referencing its data, using its vocabulary, and using it to store very general data.

Novelty…​  The use of a customised Wikibase instance is not novel but our intended specific customisation and application does have some novelty:

  • Wikibase provides easier to use, human-friendly access to linked data than typical triple stores.

    Will this facilitate more engagement and use, compared with sites with less human-oriented surface area? …Perhaps a worthwhile study.

    Also, the greater human-oriented surface area in this solution, should be direct help when it comes to implementing user-based features such as a recommender system and community forums.

  • By their nature, wiki solutions support crowd sourcing.

    Our platform could support a limited form of this by encouraging councils, recycling shops, etc. to contribute their data about waste; data which currently isn’t open or linked.

  • Our platform will be built using open & inexpensive (often free) components and services.

    It should be straightforward to apply the approach to other domains of open data for Scotland.

Hosting on WBStack

WBStack is an alpha (software-as-a-service) platform created by by Adam Shorland. It allows invitees to create their own, publicly accessible Wikibase instances.

Adam invited us to create our own Wikibase instance on his platform.
Our Wikibase is at https://waste-commons-scotland.wiki.opencura.com

screenshot wcs wikibase

Populating our Wikibase with data about waste

The datasets

In this trial, we want to populate our Wikibase with 4 datasets:

  1. area – reference data describing administrative areas
  2. population – reference data describing populations
  3. household waste – describing the tonnes of solid waste generated by households
  4. co2e – describing the tonnes of carbon equivalent from household waste

The data model

Representing a dataset record in Wikibase

Let’s consider a couple of records from the population dataset:

Aberdeen City 2018 227,560
Aberdeen City 2017 228,800

In Wikbase, we could represent each of those records as a statement on the “Aberdeen City “item. This is the approach that we took in our previous work about The usefulness of putting datasets into Wikidata?. This screenshot shows the resulting Wikidata statements …​

screenshot population statements wikidata

The problem with this approach is that it can result in an unwieldy amount of statements per single item.

The alternative approach we’ve taken for our Wikibase, is to represent each of those records as an item in its own right. So that first record is represented as the Wikibase item…​

screenshot popAc2018 wikibase

Some predicates and dimensions are common, they are used across most of the datasets.

Some predicates and dimensions are dataset specific. For example: the predicate has UK government code is used only to describe the area dataset; while the dimension end-state is used only to describe the household waste dataset.

Loading the data

I’ve hacked together a software script – dcs-wdt – which writes the datasets into our Wikibase. It is very rough’n’ready (however, it might be the seed of something more generic for automatically re-loading our datasets of interest). Its outline is:

/* order datasets & dataset-aspects, most independent first */
for each dataset in [base, area, population, household-waste, co2e]
  for each dataset-aspect in [class-item, predicates, supporting-dimensions, measurements]
    for each record in the dataset-aspect
      if the record is not already represented in the Wikibase
        write-to-wikibase a property or item to represent the record


So, should we use a Wikibase as the core component in our data layer?


  • The bundled SPARQL query service and UI work well.

    There is an oddity w.r.t. implicit prefixes but this can be worked around by explicitly declaring the prefixes.

  • It has straight out-of-the-box search functionality which automatically indexes content, and provides a search feature (with ‘completion-suggestion’).
    screenshot search wikibase

    It is primarily configured for searching items by their labels but it does fall-through to providing a more full-text type search capability.

  • It has a baked-in API (in addition to the programmatically accessible SPARQL query service) which provides a very full and well documented HTTP-based API for reading & writing data.

    (The dcs-wdt script makes use of both its SPARQL query service and API.)

  • Its human-oriented web pages (UI) are sort of nice – making it easy to explore the data, and to perform data management tasks.
  • It comes with a raft of features for supporting community-contributed content, including: user accounts and permissions, discussion forums, and easy-ish to use bulk data uploads via QuickStatements. I haven’t explored these in any depth, but they are potentially useful if the project decides that supporting user content on the WCS platform, is in-scope.


  • It doesn’t come with all the bells’n’whistles I thought it would…​

    I think that I’ve been naive in thinking that many of the easy-to-use MediaWiki rendering features (especially over SPARQL queries) that I’ve read about (particularly those of LinkedWiki), would just-be-there. Unfortunately those are all extras…​the LinkedWiki extension and its transitive dependencies need to be installed; the relevant templates imported; OpenStreetMap etc. access keys must be configured.

    Those bells’n’whistles are not supported by WBStack and the installation of them would take some expertise.

  • WbStack’s service has been running for one year now but, as a free alpha, it provides no guarantees.

    For example, a recent update of some of its software stack caused a short outage and an ongoing problem with label rendering on our Wikibase instance.


For the project, the main reason for using Wikibase is two-fold:

  1. Out-of-the-box support for a simple linked data model that can be SPARQL-ed.
  2. The use of the wiki’s data-table, graphing & mapping widgets for the rapid prototyping of and inclusion in WCS web pages.

As it stands, the WBStack Wikibase is useful for (a) but not (b).

I’m thinking that we should keep it on the back burner for now – while we find out what the front-end needs. Its support of (a) might turn out to be a good enough reason to use it, although there are alternatives – including use of a standalone triple store; or, if we have just a few datasets, building our own linking software and file-based store. Not having (b) means extra work for us to build/configure widgets for graphing, mapping, etc.

A prototype data grid & graph over data about waste

The interactive data grid with a linked graph is a tool that is often used to aggregate, dissect, explore, compare & visualise datasets. Might such a tool help our users explore and understand open data about waste? To help answer this, I have hacked together a web-based prototype…​

The working prototype

The working prototype can be accessed via this link.

The data

The prototype pulls together 4 datasets:

  1. “Generation and Management of Household Waste” (SEPA).
  2. “Carbon footprint [CO2e]” (SEPA)..
  3. “Population Estimates (Current Geographic Boundaries)” (NRS).
  4. “Mid-Year Household Estimates” (NRS).

The datasets are fetched from statistics.gov.scot and Wikidata, using SPARQL; then matched; and finally, the per-citizen and per-household values are calculated.

The result is 17,490 data records.

The build

The data was assembled using this executable Jupyter notebook. For a production-class implementation, that could easily be coded as automated, periodic process.

The web app containing the interactive data grid with a linked graph, was built using the DevExtreme web component library. Alternative libraries are viable, but the DevExtreme one is modern and free for non-commercial use.

The resulting data assembly and web app are stored as static files in the project’s GitHub repositories.

Its features

The prototype’s web page contains a graph and a configurable data grid. The graph automatically reflects the data selected in the data grid.


Detailed information about a graph’s data point is shown when the user hovers over it with the cursor.

screenshot graph hover

The graph can be zoomed/unzoomed, and its current contents can be printed or saved as PNG, PDF, etc.

screenshot graph saving

The data grid’s expand/collapse arrow-head icons allow the user to drilldown into slices of data. Below, we’ve expanded the Stirling → Recycled slice to reveal the data values per-material.

screenshot drilldown

The data grid’s “Show Filed Chooser” icon pops up a control panel to allow the user to select data dimensions, axis assignments, value ranges, value filters, display order, etc., etc.

screenshot field chooser panel

The data grid’s “Export to Excel file” icon will export the grid’s currently selected data to an Excel spreadsheet.


The resulting Excel files are nice because the export functionality preserves user-friendly fixed headers and some other formatting.


Finally, the prototype operates well on phones and tablets (although there is a sizing issue with pop-up panels that I haven’t investigated).


But, is it useful?

So, might (a production-class version of) such a tool, help our users to explore and understand open data about waste? Well, we won’t know until we have user tested it, but my guess is that:

  1. users with no data analysis experience will find its configurability difficult to navigate.
  2. users with low-to-medium data analysis experience may find it a useful as a single tool containing multiple datasets.
  3. users with medium-to-high data analysis experience will prefer to use their own tools.

presets feature has been added to the tool so that users can go to a particular configuration & data selection by simply clicking on a hyperlink. This supports an easy-access route to the tool for users with no data analysis experience, by answering their potential questions through presets such as:

What might a Waste Commons Scotland platform look like? Initial ideas in our design scenarios

A core goal of the DCS project is the development of ways in which Open Data platforms can be designed to be both multi-level (in terms of expected expertise) and learnable.  That is, we want to identify and start to develop features that encourage users to access and use the available data in increasingly sophisticated ways, learning both how to use the platform and how to engage with data at the same time.

Because of this, it is essential that the DCS team keep future users at the centre of the research and design process.  We have therefore adopted a design approach based on the creation of personas and scenarios developed from what a range of potential users told us, in a series of in-depth, qualitative interviews.

While personas and scenarios (or user journeys) are fairly widely used in HCI design, we’ve taken a slightly different approach to building our personas.  Building on an approach we developed in previous research (Wilson et al. 2018), we used the methods of phenomenography to analyse the interview data in a way that embraces the richness and diversity of skills, backgrounds, aims and values of potential users.  We then used the results of this analysis to create personas and scenarios that are based on values and capacities rather than needs and solutions.

These scenarios also imagine what a Waste Commons Scotland platform might look like, including some of the features we imagine we will need in order to help people learn how tomake use of the data such a site will link them up with.

You can find the resulting personas and scenarios on the Resources section of this site.


The usefulness of putting datasets into Wikidata?

A week ago, I attended Ian Watt‘s workshop on Wikidata at the Scottish Open Data Unconference 2020. It was an interesting session and it got me thinking about how we might upload some our datasets of interest (e.g. amounts of waste generated & recycled per Scottish council area, ‘carbon impact’ figures) into Wikidata. Would having such datasets in Wikidata, be useful?

There is interest in “per council area” and “per citizen  waste data so I thought that I’d start by uploading into Wikidata, a dataset that describes the populations per Scottish council area per year (source: the Population Estimates data cube at statistics.gov.scot).

This executable notebook steps through the nitty-gritty of doing that. SPARQL is used to pull data from both Wikidata and statistics.gov.scot; the data is compared and the QuickStatements tool is used to help automate the creation and modification of Wikidata records. 2232 edits were executed against Wikidata through QuickStatements (taking about 30 mins). Unfortunately QuickStatements does not yet support a means to set the rank of a statement so I had to individually edit the 32 council area pages to mark, in each, its 2019 population value as the Preferred rank population value …​indicating that it is the most up-to-date population value.

But, is having this dataset in Wikidata useful?

The uploaded dataset can be pulled (de-referenced) into Wikipedia articles quite easily. As an example, I edited the Wikipedia article Council areas of Scotland to insert into its main table, the new column “Number of people (latest estimate)” whose values are pulled (each time the page is rendered) directly from the data that I uploaded into Wikidata:

Visualisations based on the upload dataset can be embedded into web pages quite easily. Here’s an example that fetches our dataset from Wikidata and renders it as a line graph, when this web page is loaded into your web browser:


Concerns, next steps, alternative approaches.

Interestingly, there is some discussion about the pros & cons of inserting Wikidata values into Wikipedia articles. The main argument against is the immaturity of Wikidata’s structure: therefore a concern about the durability of the references into its data structure. The counter point is that early use & evolution might be the best path to maturity.

The case study for our Data Commons Scotland project, is open data about waste in Scotland. So a next step for the project might be to upload into Wikidata, datasets that describe the amounts of household waste generated & recycled, and ‘carbon impact’ figures. These could also be linked to council areas – as we have done for the population dataset – to support per council area/per citizen statistics and visualisations. Appropriate properties do not yet exist in Wikidata for the description of such data about waste, so new ones would need to be ratified by the Wikidata community.

Should such datasets actually be uploaded into Wikidata?…​These are small datasets and they seem to fit well enough into Wikidata’s knowledge graph. Uploading them into Wikidata may make them easier to access, de-silo the data and help enrich Wikidata’s knowledge graph. But then, of course, there is the keeping it up-to-date issue to solve. Alternatively, those datasets could be pulled dynamically and directly from statistics.gov.scot into Wikipedia articles with the help of some new MediaWiki extensions.



Data Commons Scotland at SODU2020 – the build up!

We’re excited to be participating in SODU2020 this weekend (5th and 6th September 2020).  SODU is the Scottish Open Data Unconference, organized by Aberdeen’s Code the City and this year’s purely online event looks as if it’s going to be as excliting as ever. The pitches being developed on SODU2020’s Slack channel suggest there are going to be lots of thought-provoking, critcal and productive conversations. We’ll be pitching ourselves, hoping that people will be interested in the Data Commons Scotland project and willing to share their own experiences and expertise in order to help us find some solutions to the challenges we’ve been identifying.

We’re hoping to run at least one session (more, if there’s enough interest) addressing the following questions:

  • How we can help potential data providers feel more comfortable making ‘imperfect’ data open (there are no perfect datasets, right?) 
  • At the same time, how can we communicate to a variety of potential users the quality/reliability/completeness of the data that do get shared so that they can be sensibly used/applied?
  • What has already been done well on other open data sites – we don’t want to reinvent the wheel, after all?
  • What are the best linking approaches (semantic web/shared labels…)
  • And what about community sourced linked open data – what are the reliability issues associated with that, and are their any good tools for uploading it?

To help us get some conversations going around these issues, we’ve produced a short video that highlights some of what we’ve learned so far from the perspective of both potential users and ourselves as researchers/designers.

The first part of the video is based on one of the scenarios we’ve created as part of our user-design process – we’ll post another blog about the six personas and their assocaited scenarios soon. The second part of the video is based on our own perspectives. We’d love to know if you have any suggestions to help us answer some of our questions.

The geography of household waste generation

Working on his human geography homework, Rory asks…

Which areas in Scotland are reducing their household waste?

This week, in a step towards supporting the above scenario, I investigated how we might generate choropleths to help us visualise the variations in the amounts of household-generated waste across geographic areas in Scotland.

The cube-to-chart executable notebook steps through the nitty-gritty of this experiment. The steps include:

    1. Running a SPARQL query against statistics.gov.scot’s very useful data cubes to find the waste tonnage generated per council citizen per year.
    2. For each council area, derive the 3 values:
      • recent – 2018’s tonnage of waste generated per council citizen.
      • average – 2011-2018’s average (mean) tonnage of waste generated per council citizen.
      • trend – 2011-2018’s trend in tonnage of waste generated per council citizen. Each trend value is calculated as the gradient of a linear approximation to the tonnage over the years. (A statistician might well suggest a more appropriate method for computing this trend value.)

      The derived data can be seen in this file.

    3. Use Vega to generate 3 choropleths which help visualise the statistical values from the above step, against the council-oriented geography of Scotland. (The geography data comes from Martin Chorely’s good curation work.)

The resulting choropleths can be seen on >> this page <<

Rory looks at the “2011-2018 trend in tonnage” choropleth, and thinks…

It’s good to see that most areas are reducing waste generation but why not all…?

Looking at the “2018 tonnage” and 2011-2018 average tonnage” choropleths, Niamh wonders…

I wonder why urban populations seem to generate less waste than rural ones?